Saturday, March 19, 2011

NIKE Considered -Mitzi Curtis- post 1

Nike Considered is a organisation that supplies athletic footwear, clothes and sporting equipment. By using the Cradle to Cradle Design, the company is able to manufacture goods made with less waste, less toxic materials and less energy. The simpler the design of the item the less production steps taken. Elements needed for process are primarily found within a 200 mile radius of the corporation and are more sustainable, for example; organic cotton, recycled polyester and environmentally preferred rubber.

It is and ever developing standard of innovation and sustainability. Nothing is wasted. Nike are doing their best to encourage people to recycle unwanted things or to donated them to a company where they will break-down the product and make something new.

The results of this process is amazing. Their shoes allow everyday people to use their natural foot muscles and wear clothing that is more breathable for the skin.

“This tool is about making it simple for designers to make the most sustainable choices right at the start of the product creation process. Over the past four years it has proved to be invaluable at Nike and has helped us create products with a higher sustainability standard. Recognising the decline of natural resources and the need to move to a low-carbon economy, the tool is a practical way to rate how apparel designs score in reducing waste and increasing the use of environmentally preferred materials while allowing the designers to make real time adjustments."

"The company has a publicly stated goal to 'Minimize or eliminate all substances known to be harmful to the health of biological or ecological systems.' "








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